Dealing With NFL Withdrawal
Congratulations, Broncos!!!
Dear NFL fans,
Congratulations on another incredible season. But, for many of you out there the NFL withdrawal symptoms are starting to kick in and you’re spinning around in circles with a constant feeling that something important is missing. Here are Boundary Fence’s suggestions for overcoming this awful sensation and help you pass the time until September rolls around and our boys in blue and orange run out on the field again.
Trim your lawn for a friendly game of touch football
First of all, Punxsutawney Phil came out of his wooden cage and didn’t see his shadow, so that means that Spring is set to arrive early this year. That means that you need to start getting your garden ready. New Spring flowers need to be planted, and flower beds prepared.
You can even start to prepare your lawn, creating a beautiful space for a friendly game of touch football. That way you don’t have to go completely cold turkey. And, with the warmer Spring weather, it’s once again safe to wheel out the BBQ. Inviting your friends and family for a garden/football/BBQ party will help you not sit and cry on the couch next Sunday is just a regular old Sunday.
Fence installations and repairs in Denver, CO
We also want to remind you that you may have been neglecting friends and family, school and work during the NFL season, so use these next months to make up for lost time. Catch up on your studies and your work, and take out your partner on a few romantic dates. Spending quality time with friends and family during the off-season will also make them much more understanding during the on season.
Custom made fences and gates for Denver, Colorado
Of course, there may not be any football for a while, but we still need to root, root, root for the home team as we say hello to Baseball season and the Colorado Rockies.
And, if you’ve got any fencing needs we can help you take care of, you know how to find us!