Get your yard ready for next spring!
You can really improve your yard if you do some of the prep work during the colder months
This will really pay off when spring comes around! Check out these tips about winter yard work:
Lawn Renovation
A lawn renovation starts with a thorough raking to open the ground and expose the soil so new seeds can germinate. Next, level
the lawn by covering the lowest areas with new soil. Then, reseed the entire lawn if necessary, or simply patch certain areas as required.
To ensure germination, add a good fertilizer and cover the seeds with hummus to protect them from hungry birds. Then wait about three or four weeks for the seeds to pop.
An advantage to doing this in the winter is that nature provides enough water to germinate the seeds, whereas it is necessary to sprinkle the areas during other times of the year.
Crab Grass
At this time of year, your grass is full of millions of crabgrass seeds waiting to sprout in the spring. Therefore, you want to be ready to spray with a pre-emergent about the last week of February, just before the temperature starts to warm up.
However, you don’t want to apply pre-emergent any earlier than February, as it would kill new seeds that you have planted. Also, the chemicals are not as effective in the cold weather.
Also, remember that you cannot apply pre-emergent yourself because it is a hazardous chemical which by law must be applied by licensed professionals.
Now is the time to begin pruning your trees, and don’t forget about your roses, too. In order to improve the production of both fruit trees and rose bushes, you must prune before they start to bud.
You should also cut back overgrown bushes and trim non-fruit trees before they start to grow again. Professional pruning consists of:
- Clean from the inside out, removing crossing branches.
- Thin branches so they will not become too heavy with fruit. Quality is more important than quantity.
- Don’t forget to spray your fruit trees with dormant oil. You should apply dormant spray three times: around Thanksgiving, around Christmas, and the third application should come after pruning.
Flower beds
Now is a great time to clean out the flower beds, removing the fallen leaves and blossoms to avoid potential fungus and molds from growing.
Plant bare-root trees and roses before spring arrives. Now is when you will get the very best prices possible on new trees and bushes for your landscape.
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