The Benefits of Maintaining a Residential Wooden Fence
If you own a residential wooden fence, it’s important to maintain it to ensure that it remains strong and secure throughout the years. You can easily do this by regularly inspecting your fence and following some basic maintenance steps — or you can let your fence fall into disrepair and risk having to replace it at some point in the future! Let’s take a look at why you should avoid this scenario, and how you can maintain your residential wooden fence so that it remains beautiful, strong, and durable over time.
Keeping it Clean
First and foremost, you need to keep your fence clean. This will require both routine and occasional maintenance. Routine wooden fence maintenance is nothing more than keeping leaves and other debris off your fence. To do so, simply use a leaf blower to remove any built-up gunk that’s collected along your fence’s surface.
Repairs and Upkeep

A wood fence can last long with proper maintenance.
Your wooden fence should be maintained and protected regularly. This can help ensure that it lasts for as long as possible, making sure you get good value for your money. If you don’t know where to start with repairs and upkeep, or if you simply want to make sure you’re doing everything correctly, have a professional take care of it. This ensures your fence is in great shape for many years to come.
Preventative Measures
If you want to keep your wooden fence looking its best for as long as possible, taking preventative measures is key. Some preventative measures are obvious— for example, keeping pets away from it — but others may not be so clear-cut. For example, if you live in an area that gets lots of rain or snowfall (or both), installing some sort of water barrier can help protect your fence from moisture damage.
Saving With Maintenance
The best time to maintain your fence is when it’s new, before rot and mildew form. However, you’ll also want to think about wooden fence maintenance once or twice a year. If you live in an area with high winds or temperatures, you may want to power-wash or pressure-wash your fence once every two years as well. You can do all of these tasks yourself, and it takes just an afternoon.
Contact us at Boundary Fence today for all your residential fence needs!